Intrinsic Valuation of NVDA
NVDA Free Cash Flow Average and Growth over past 5Y   Key Statistics
Year   FCF FCF Growth
2021 $8,132,000,000 73.24% EPS (FY) 3.85   Market Cap 451B
2020 $4,694,000,000 9.88% P/E Ratio 47.79 Total Asset 45B
2019 $4,272,000,000 35.92% Net Income 10B Total Debt 12B
2018 $3,143,000,000 8.04% EBITDA 13B Total Liab 18B
2017 $2,909,000,000 94.45% Opr Margin 0.4036 Debt/Equity 0.44
2016 $1,496,000,000 PreTax Margin 0.3284   BV/Share 10.62
5Y Average FCF   $4,630,000,000 44.31%
Overall Market Assumptions:
Assumptions: P/E for No-Growth Company: 7.00  
Perpetual Growth Rate (g): 2.50% Historical US Bond Yield: 4.40%  
Discount Rete (WACC): 14.24% Current US Bond Yield: 1.48%  
Forcasting Future Free Cash Flow for next 6Y Modified Benjamin Graham's Intrinsic Value
Year   FCF Projection  
2022 $11,735,088,857 MBG Intrinsic Value $81.69
2023 $16,934,617,621
2024 $24,437,929,481
2025 $35,265,773,974
2026 $50,891,169,602
2027 $73,439,793,082
Terminal Value   $641,353,553,031   Net Worth/Share $11.07
DCF Valuation DCF Valuation "What If" Scenario Table
Enterprise Value $372,160,489,198 Growth Rate
(+) Cash & Cash Equivalents $21,208,000,000 152.92 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
(-) Total Debt $11,687,000,000 WACC 14.14% 145.5 149.8 154.5 159.7 165.3
Equity Value $381,681,489,198 14.19% 144.8 149.0 153.7 158.8 164.3
Shares Outstanding 2496000000 14.24% 144.0 148.3 152.9 157.9 163.4
14.74% 137.0 140.8 145.0 149.4 154.3
DCF Intrinsic Value $152.92 15.24% 130.5 134.0 137.7 141.7 146.1
Swarnadeep Seth (2022)