Intrinsic Valuation of GOOGL
GOOGL Free Cash Flow Average and Growth over past 5Y   Key Statistics
Year   FCF FCF Growth
2021 $67,012,000,000 56.41% EPS (FY) 5.61   Market Cap 1511B
2020 $42,843,000,000 38.33% P/E Ratio 20.60 Total Asset 357B
2019 $30,972,000,000 35.65% Net Income 76B Total Debt 29B
2018 $22,832,000,000 -4.50% EBITDA 95B Total Liab 108B
2017 $23,907,000,000 -7.42% Opr Margin 0.3033 Debt/Equity 0.11
2016 $25,824,000,000 PreTax Margin 0.3276   BV/Share 19.00
5Y Average FCF   $37,513,200,000 23.69%
Overall Market Assumptions:
Assumptions: P/E for No-Growth Company: 7.00  
Perpetual Growth Rate (g): 2.50% Historical US Bond Yield: 4.40%  
Discount Rete (WACC): 9.43% Current US Bond Yield: 1.48%  
Forcasting Future Free Cash Flow for next 6Y Modified Benjamin Graham's Intrinsic Value
Year   FCF Projection  
2022 $82,890,214,064 MBG Intrinsic Value $118.32
2023 $102,530,704,764
2024 $126,824,927,864
2025 $156,875,565,859
2026 $194,046,577,262
2027 $240,025,104,872
Terminal Value   $3,548,837,598,911   Net Worth/Share $18.68
DCF Valuation DCF Valuation "What If" Scenario Table
Enterprise Value $2,519,179,492,983 Growth Rate
(+) Cash & Cash Equivalents $139,649,000,000 196.98 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% 3.00% 3.50%
(-) Total Debt $28,508,000,000 WACC 9.33% 180.5 189.7 200.2 212.4 226.7
Equity Value $2,630,320,492,983 9.38% 179.3 188.3 198.6 210.6 224.6
Shares Outstanding 13353000000 9.43% 178.0 186.9 197.1 208.8 222.5
9.93% 166.3 173.9 182.6 192.5 203.9
DCF Intrinsic Value $196.98 10.43% 156.0 162.6 170.0 178.4 188.0
Swarnadeep Seth (2022)